Blog - Page 2 of 2

Chris Fairclough with small group of students using laptop comouters

Meet Chris Fairclough – an example of the kind of success stories the ETF helps to write

There is no such thing as a typical user of ETF support. But if you’re looking for someone who can be said to embody the ETF’s offer, then you need look no further than Chris Fairclough, lecturer and curriculum team leader for nuclear engineering at Lakes College

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Conference audience

Event Focus: National Advanced Practitioner Conference 2020 – Embed, Extend, Enhance

Event Focus blog by Lou Mycroft about the National Advanced Practitioner Conference on 27 March 2020.

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Main conference room full of attendees

Advanced Practitioner Programme: Collaborative Projects 2019–2020

On Thursday 10 October, nearly 40 managers from Myserscough, Kendal and Barnsley Colleges met in Barnsley to take forward the Education and Training Foundation Advanced Practitioner (AP) project ‘Developing a Culture of Excellence through Collaboration’.

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Conference delegates

Promoting Professionalism across FE

There has been a buzz in the air in the Further Education (FE) and Training sector this autumn and with winter on the horizon, it’s the perfect time to celebrate our sector and everyone who works in it.

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teacher reading the ATS brochure

Find out more about Advanced Teacher Status (ATS)

Patricia Odell, Head of ATS and QTLS, and Dr Catherine Manning, ATS Operations Manager, explain more about Advanced Teacher Status (ATS). This 15-minute podcast also features an ATS awardee and ATS mentor who explain the benefits of applying for ATS and how to ensure the process goes as smoothly as possible.

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Teacher with student at PC

HETA Digital Academy: reflections on embedding digital technologies

Scott Rorrison is the Teaching & Learning Improvement Manager at Humberside Engineering Training Association (HETA). Here, he explains the work he has been doing under the auspices of the Education and Training Foundation’s Advanced Practitioner Connect Outstanding Teaching, Learning and Assessment project to embed the use of digital technologies there.

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Adult teacher and adult learner

Pathways to FE programme value highlighted by Westminster Kingsway College participation

The Pathways to Further Education programme aims to raise awareness of FE teaching as a career option amongst final year undergraduates and post-graduates with relevant industry experience, bringing skilled individuals into the sector. Westminster Kingsway College’s recent participation in the programme provides further evidence of its value, as Julie Sinclair, the College’s Associate Director of Teaching, Learning and Innovation, explains.

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backs of heads at conference

The DfE funded Side by Side course, teaching the FE Sector about Prevent duty, Extremism and Radicalism, explained

In this blog, ETF’s Selina Stewart and Pete Munday explain how the Side by Side modules are supporting providers with a resource which improves learners understanding of the dangers of radicalisation.

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Dealing with the pressure to be outstanding

Tina Bullen, SET member and teacher-trainer. SET member Tina Bullen is a teacher-trainer delivering PGCE and Cert Ed qualifications at a mixed-economy college. She has recently completed a PGCHEP qualification, during which she completed a research project on graded observations and their effects on trainee teachers. Tina explains why she was inspired to set up a […]

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Teacher with group of learners

I can’t keep calm. I’m going to be a teacher!

The ETF’s Rehabilitation in Action programme is working with prisoners to help them gain teaching skills. Teresa Carroll meets learners and their teachers at HMP Eastwood Park as they celebrate completion of their course with an awards ceremony.

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DiVA Apprenticeships: The training was instrumental to our success in becoming an Apprentice Assessment Organisation (AAO)

Tim Chewter Head of Research & Communications, Strategic Development Network (SDN) DiVA Apprenticeships recently became an approved Apprentice Assessment Organisation (AAO).  We caught up with their Director, Arit Eminue, to find out how the recent Future Apprenticeship workshop helped DiVA to get to where they are today. DiVA is a recruitment and training organisation specialising […]

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How small changes can make a big difference in student attendance

Bibi Groot and Susannah Hume, Behavioural Insights Team Small changes can have big effects. For example, short and personalised text messages sent to learners can help improve pass rates by 12 per cent. Or, an online writing assignment helped increase attendance rates by nearly 10 per cent. We discuss these and more results of our […]

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A student and two teachers at a desk

Why standards matter

Do you, when asked to discuss your work have a boundless love of what you do and how you do it? Given the chance and a willing audience could you fill their day with descriptions and anecdotes of why you love what you do, and find it hard to imagine anyone as happy and satisfied with their lot as you?

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David Russell

CEO blog: New Professional Standards launched today

This week, the Foundation is proud to publish the much-anticipated 2014 Professional Standards, an aspirational document enabling teachers and trainers to take responsibility for their own professional learning, and a major milestone in the drive towards greater professionalism across the sector.

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