
Jenny Jarvis portrait

Farewell to ETF: My personal highlights 

Interim CEO, Jenny Jarvis, reflects on her last 5 years at ETF as she says farewell before handing the leadership reins to Katerina Kolyva.

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Jenny Jarvis, interim CEO of the ETF

Better together: the power of partnership in FE and Training

Jenny Jarvis, Interim CEO at the Education and Training Foundation, discusses partnership working in this October blog.

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Jenny Jarvis portrait

T Level Results Day: a significant milestone

Interim CEO Jenny Jarvis celebrates the first ever T Level Results Day and reflects on the first two years of T Level delivery.

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Jenny Jarvis portrait

A lifelong passion: how the dedication of the sector drives all we do

Education and Training Foundation Interim CEO Jenny Jarvis reflects on the dedication of individuals across the sector and its role in the impact FE and Training has.

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Jenny Jarvis portrait

More than words; why there’s no substitute for seeing for yourself

The Education and Training Foundation’s interim CEO, Jenny Jarvis, reflects on a visit to South Essex College and the part the Taking Teaching Further programme is playing in addressing recruitment challenges in the FE and Training sector.

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Jenny Jarvis, interim CEO of the ETF

Championing professionalism in the FE and Training Sector

The first in an ongoing blog series from ETF interim CEO Jenny Jarvis, discussing the ETF’s current and future plans. In this blog, Jenny looks ahead to the upcoming ‘FE conversation’ launch.

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