offender learning Archives

Using the library – ESOL – offender learning – Lesson plan

This lesson is about using the library in prison. 

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Using the gym – ESOL – offender learning – Lesson plan

This lesson is about using the gym. It provides students with the vocabulary and speaking practice to feel more confident in understanding and talking to gym staff and users about gym equipment and exercise.

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Using film to teach English – ESOL – offender learning – Lesson plan

Film is invaluable in the prison environment as a way of focusing on communication skills.

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Exams E3 – ESOL – offender learning – Me and my home

This lesson is about houses and running a home. It provides some language required to understand exam instructions and for the subject of ‘homes’ in all modes.

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Exams E2 – ESOL – offender learning – Travel and transport

This lesson is about travel and transport within the UK and beyond.  It provides learners with the vocabulary required to understand exam instruction and for the subject of travel.

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Exams E1 – ESOL – offender learning – Health and Safety at work

This lesson gives practice in elements of the Skills for Life ESOL exam papers. In each reading paper candidates are required to identify signs, recognise basic text types and purpose and identify capital letters.

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Teach Too Phase 3: Milton Keynes College -Offender Learning

The project shared occupational expertise to improve the line of sight to work in the
construction sector for offenders and ex-offenders.

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Doing Action Research in the Secure Estate A Guide for Educators

The aim of this guide is not to replicate what is already written in Doing Action Research, but to complement it.

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3 out of 5 Challenge cards

A new approach that encourages people to develop their maths skills outside the maths classroom – such as in the gym, garden, library or in non-maths education.

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Teaching in prisons – Questions and answers from the SET webinar

Teaching in Prisons Questions and answers from SET webinar on 6th July 2017.

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Improving Access to Offender Learning in the Community

This guidance note has a focus on offenders (aged 18 and over) serving sentences in the community under the supervision of the Probation Service.

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International perspectives on prison education: reducing reoffending

This report brings together the findings of a review of relevant literature, contact with the national administration of statistics of the country and interviews with a range of stakeholders associated with prison education.

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SIR Interim Dashboard – Offender Learning – 2015

This report analyses offender learning workforce data from the academic year 2014-15.

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Successfully using ICT to support learning in the secure estate (link is external)

The recommendations from the report build on where digital literacy is being successfully taught and how this should be rolled out across the whole prison/secure estate.

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Whole Organisation Development Process (WODP) in Offender Learning

The Whole Organisation Development Process has been designed, by the sector for the sector, to establish a prison led approach to quality improvement of learning, skills and work.

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