Research Archives

Learning Support Assistants in Further Education and Training – Guidance for leaders and managers

To help leaders and managers in the Further Education (FE) and Training sector make evidence-informed decisions about how best to design the Learning Support Assistant (LSA) role, and to deploy and support LSAs to improve learner outcomes across their organisation, setting and context.

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It’s about work: Excellent adult vocational teaching and learning

The summary report of the Commission on Adult Vocational Teaching and Learning about the future, not about the past, and the role of vocational teaching and learning in supporting individuals, businesses and communities to grow and succeed.

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International perspectives on prison education: reducing reoffending

This report brings together the findings of a review of relevant literature, contact with the national administration of statistics of the country and interviews with a range of stakeholders associated with prison education.

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SIR Interim Dashboard – Offender Learning – 2015

This report analyses offender learning workforce data from the academic year 2014-15.

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Successfully using ICT to support learning in the secure estate (link is external)

The recommendations from the report build on where digital literacy is being successfully taught and how this should be rolled out across the whole prison/secure estate.

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