Level: ESOL Entry 3 / SQA ESOL Intermediate 1 in Scotland / A2 – B2 CEFR Framework
Structure, learning hours and delivery context
The resource provides a minimum of six hours of learning in a classroom or workplace context through a series of three linked units. Each unit can be taught as a standalone. The resource is flexible in terms of timing and differentiation.
Time: Approximately 2 hours. Timings are flexible and teachers can break down the units into smaller chunks of learning and build in revision as required.
• To establish the context for learning.
• To stimulate discussion about working in retail.
• To pre-teach key vocabulary.
• To help learners understand instructions on how to use a till.
• To encourage learners to use conditional sentences without worrying about ‘rules’.
• To encourage learners to use prepositions in ‘chunks’ without worrying about ‘rules’.
• To enable learners to write simple instructions.
• To enable learners to give instructions on using other types of simple equipment.
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All the materials on these pages are free for you to download and copy for educational use only.