English for Work - Working as a volunteer in a charity shop (Unit 4)

‘Working as a Volunteer in a Charity Shop’  is a resource for learners between Entry 3 – L1/Intermediate 1 – 2.  It uses authentic sound recordings with ESOL learners who work in a charity shop as a springboard to practise all four skills within this context.  It is aimed at learners who are already working as volunteers in charity shops or who want to find out more about working in the sector. It will also be useful for any learners who might visit charity shops. 

There are 5 units in ‘Working in a charity shop’ which you can deliver sequentially or as standalone units.  In this fourth unit, learners use their listening skills as Helen talks to a customer. 

Timings are flexible since learners can work through at their own pace and you can adapt the resource to suit your learners and build in revision as required. 

The teachers’ notes include suggestions on exploiting the materials, and teachers are encouraged to adapt them to meet group/individual needs.  You can download worksheets, audio files, transcripts, and an answer key for this unit below.

Teacher notes: Unit 4


  • To listen to an interaction between native speakers of English for gist and detail.
  • To encourage learners to think about the range of functions ‘conditional’ sentences have in real-life situations, in particular making offers (‘We can, if you like, send them for recycling’) and suggestions (‘If it can be used, you might not want to have it recycled’)


Learners will be able to:

  • Understand the gist and detail of an interaction between native speakers of English in a charity shop setting.
  • Make offers in a friendly and polite manner.

Time: Approximately 45 minutes

Plan components

  • Teacher’s notes
  • Audio: ‘Customer with donations’
  • Student worksheets
  • Answer key
  • Transcript

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All the materials on these pages are free for you to download and copy for educational use only. You may not redistribute, sell or place these materials on any other web site without written permission from the British Council. If you have any questions about the use of these materials please email us at: esolnexus@britishcouncil.org

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Categories: ESOL
Tags: E3, Zip folder