Case Studies

‘ESD will change the future for our students’: Jenny Willis, Heart of Worcestershire College

Jenny Willis, Advanced Quality Practitioner at Heart of Worcestershire College, participated in the Education and Training Foundation’s (ETF) six-session education for sustainable development (ESD) course, November 2022 to February 2023. Here, she reflects on the impact the course had on her practice and that of her colleagues.  Why do you think education for sustainable development […]

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Trends in ESD delivery: how five FE providers are leading the way

In this blog, Charlotte Bonner, National Head of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), reviews our series of five ESD case studies, drawn from the ETF’s latest report on Leadership for ESD in the Further Education (FE) Curriculum. Charlotte compares the commonalities between providers leading on ESD delivery and offers practical examples to support other educators […]

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ESD case study: Foundation Learning at Wiltshire College

Introduction by Charlotte Bonner, National Head of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) at the Education and Training Foundation (ETF). Throughout our blog series of case studies from the report Leadership for ESD in the FE Curriculum, we have consistently seen ESD initiatives and activities that symbiotically benefit the learner, educator and teaching organisation. They also […]

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ESD case study: Accountancy at West Suffolk College

Introduction by Charlotte Bonner, National Head of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) at the Education and Training Foundation (ETF). The ETF’s report ‘Leadership for ESD in the FE Curriculum’, has highlighted a range of successful initiatives that support Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). In the report, we’ve heard from various FE and Training providers, who […]

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ESD case study: The award-winning Michaeljohn Training School

In this case study, Michaeljohn Training School (MJTS) in Manchester share their story of weaving sustainability into their hairdressing and barbering programs.

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Burnley College: Whole-organisation approach to ESD

In this case study, we hear first-hand from construction and curriculum staff on how the college empowers learners with practical knowledge on environmental topics throughout their Level 2 and Level 3 qualifications.

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ESD case study: Redbridge Institute ESOL programme

There are many Further Education and Training providers and educators who are keen to play their part in education for sustainable development (ESD) and training for ‘green’ employment. Here, Charlotte Bonner, National Head of Education for ESD at the Education and Training Foundation (ETF), asks how these providers are successfully implementing ESD within their practices. […]

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