Helena Good: Tes FE Awards 2020 Teacher of the Year

Graphic design lecturer Helena Good has worked in education for 23 years. In her current role as a graphic design lecturer at Edinburgh College, she shares her passion for creativity and design with students through the college’s NC, HNC and HND graphic design courses.

Good established a programme that partners HND students with a mentor from the graphic design industry to ensure they receive guidance and advice on their studies and future careers. She has had a huge impact on her students, who have won numerous awards in recent years.

However, Good’s impact has been felt far beyond her own college. She is the driving force behind the Daydream Believers programme – described by the judges as “the most important educational initiative in Scotland at the moment”.

The pioneering project aims to make the transition from school to college more appealing and seamless for secondary students who are looking to progress to post-16 education. It is delivered in collaboration with student ambassadors and industry partners, and involves a number of high schools across Edinburgh.

In 2019, the organisers behind the project – including Good – also established a bank of online resources designed by industry professionals and educators, and aimed at supporting secondary school pupils through their personal educational journey.

The judges said: “Good is an inspirational lecturer. She is a solid professional doing her job outstandingly. Her work is transformative and makes a huge difference within and outside of Edinburgh College.”

This article was originally published on the Tes website.