More than 48,500 activities supported to date as part of T Level Professional Development offer

The Education and Training Foundation (ETF) is proud to have supported 48,906 activities as part of the T Level Professional Development (TLPD) offer, funded by the Department for Education (DfE), since the TLPD Pilot Phase began in 2019. 

Figures for the period May 2019 to January 2024, show that over 25,500 participants (25,798) engaged in the programme.  

From the beginning of this academic year to the end of January 2024, there have been 2,597 engagements with TLPD activities by teaching and teaching support staff. Of these, 1,955 were for face-to-face or live-online CPD activities, and 642 were with the on-demand online learning offer. This year, 22 providers have been involved in delivery of the TLPD Role and Route offer, promoting sector-to-sector support, which has been highly successful. 

Of those who have accessed the TLPD offer this academic year, there has been a course satisfaction rate of 95 per cent from survey respondents. When asked what the best part of the learning experience was, one participant stated: “The openness of the presenters. Lots of clarity and detail. It was great to meet other lecturers in the same position as myself. I don’t feel so lost and alone in this journey now. Thank you!” 

ETF has supported the delivery of T Levels since 2019 and was awarded a four-year contract by the DfE in February 2020 to continue supporting providers, leaders and practitioners by delivering this vital continuing professional development to the FE and Skills sector. In February 2024, the TLPD contract with the DfE was extended to continue delivery into the academic years 2024/25 and 2025/26. 

The TLPD offer continues to grow and develop with updating of courses to meet the needs of the sector and the introduction of new opportunities for schools preparing to deliver T Levels. The Assessment in T Levels course, introduced in 2023, has seen large demand this academic year, with over 45 inhouse requests registered so far.  

ETF continues to work with providers from across the FE and Skills sector, employers, professional bodies and key partners to enhance the programme and ensure providers are fully supported during the T Level roll out. 

Find out more about the TLPD offer here.