Booking is now open for the ‘Embedding education for sustainable development (ESD)’ course, offered as a benefit for members of the Society for Education and Training (SET), and delivered by the Education and Training Foundation (ETF) alongside EAUC, the sustainability champion for post-16 education in the UK and Republic of Ireland.
Starting on 8 May 2024 and finishing on 10 July 2024, this course of six online sessions is for teachers, trainers, and tutors across the Further Education (FE) and Skills sector seeking to embed sustainability into their professional practice. SET members have received priority booking, and places are now being offered to the wider sector.
This latest offer follows the success of two previous ESD programmes, initially developed by ETF with subsequent iterations delivered alongside EAUC. ETF worked with ESD experts across the country to develop the initial content for the series – first delivered in 2022 – including practitioners, members of the COP26 Education and Skills Committee, and specialist sector bodies. The course directly aligns with the second of ETF’s Professional Standards for the sector to “promote and embed education for sustainable development across learning and working practices”.
Places on this popular course are limited and offered on a first come, first served basis. The total cost of the six sessions for SET members is £170. The cost for non-members is £230.
Find more details and book your place now on Eventbrite. To read about a previous participant’s positive experience of the ESD course, read Jenny Willis’ case study on the ETF website.