Digital Perspectives Survey

The use of technology in teaching and learning in Further Education is widespread, but its full potential is yet to be realised. That’s according to two reports, the 2019 Teacher Digital Perspectives Survey and the 2019 Learner Digital Perspectives Survey, published in June 2019 by the Education and Training Foundation (ETF).

The reports are available via the links below.

Research for the reports – undertaken by Opinium for the ETF – investigated the experiences and opinions of teachers and learners around their attitudes towards digital technologies in the classroom, current use of them and aspirations for their use in the future.

Teachers reported widespread use of digital technologies in their professional lives, with only six per cent saying they used them rarely or not at all. Eighty per cent used them in planning their teaching, 65% for using different approaches to teaching and 61% for assessment. Students were also prolific in their use of technology, with computers used by 82% and mobile phones by 74% of those surveyed. More than a third of both teachers (39%) and learners (35%) reported the use of virtual learning environments and more than half (54% of teachers and 55% of learners) used online communities such as Google Drive or Moodle.

Against an overall picture of the widespread use of technology in the sector, the reports do highlight some differences between how it is used in different types of provider institution. Staff in General FE Colleges were more likely than colleagues in Sixth Form Colleges to use technology to take different approaches to teaching, support learners to develop employability skills and for self-development. Teachers in Independent Training Providers were far more likely to use technology for face-to-face teaching (80% compared to 56% in other providers).

Differences in how the technology available in different providers is regarded by staff were also highlighted. Sixth Form College teachers were more likely than colleagues in General FE Colleges to describe both the hardware and software available at their institutions as ‘functional’ and ‘easy to use’. They were also more likely to describe the hardware as ‘well-maintained’ and ‘up-to-date’ and the software as ‘compatible’.

Although learners generally expressed satisfaction with both the hardware and software they used – 88% thought the hardware ‘functional’ and 86% ‘easy-to-use’, and 85% described the software as ‘easy-to-use’ and 84% as functional – there were some notable differences between learners on courses at different levels and at different provider types. Although 92% of level 3 students described the hardware they were using as ‘functional’, only 77% of students at entry level to level 2 agreed. And while 70% of leaners at General FE Colleges described their software as ‘fast’, only 54% of their peers at Sixth Form Colleges agreed.

Teachers (44%) and learners (45%) alike identified the most significant barrier to the greater use of technology as the restrictions caused by classroom design including access to WiFi and/or hardware. Both groups also cited unreliable IT infrastructure and not having the right hardware or software as issues. But while teachers cited a lack of time for digital content creation as the second most significant barrier – 38% thought so – in the view of students it was teachers’ lack of confidence in their digital skills (38%).

Teachers and learners alike reported that they would like more support to help them use technology more.