Governance programmes

Introduction to our governance programmes

Our governance programmes aim to provide excellent learning and development opportunities to enable all those operating in the further education (FE) governance space to become highly skilled and confident, enabling them to strengthen governance and subsequently improve the organisational performance of their institutions.

With funding from the Department for Education (DfE), we aim to deliver executive education, technical training, networking opportunities, and mentoring and coaching, for the purpose of enabling governors, including office holders such as Chairs, together with Governance Professionals, to execute their duties with diligence and confidence. This will enable them to further enhance the value they add to the Board and the wider organisation, helping set the conditions for long-term institutional resilience and the delivery of the organisation’s objectives.​

Governance development opportunities

Chair woman writing

Chairs’ programmes

We have a range of different professional development opportunities for Chairs across 2024-2025, including in-depth training programmes that include residentials and mentoring, as well as online and self-directed training modules. 
Governors talking

Governors’ programmes

We have a range of professional development opportunities for governors across 2024-2025, including online training courses, inductions and individualised offers for student and staff governors.
Three women on governance programme

Governance Professionals’ programmes

We have a framework of learning and development for governance professionals engaged by Further Education and Sixth Form college governing bodies. We provide valuable CPD to help meet the administrative and procedural requirements of Boards along with high quality opportunities to develop leadership and strategic skills.

Competency Frameworks

The Governance Professionals’ Competency Frameworks have been developed by the Education and Training Foundation (ETF) with the sector’s support and aim to help to address the Department for Education’s (DfE) identified need to strengthen FE governance as set out in the Skills for Jobs white paper.

Learn more and access the frameworks:

Governance Development Programme

The DfE-funded Governance Development Programme (GDP) is aimed at developing the skills of both new and existing board members and, where appropriate, clerks/company secretaries in Further Education and Sixth Form Colleges. Some elements may also be applicable to other types of FE providers. The Education and Training Foundation (ETF) has commissioned the Association of Colleges (AoC) to develop this comprehensive training programme for college governors.