Governance Professionals' Qualifications: Frequently Asked Questions

The qualification webpage is intended to be the centre of all information on the Governance Professionals’ Qualification, and as a starting point, we would recommend reading it. The webpage includes detailed information on each level of the qualification, including an attached assessment/exam framework that breaks down in detail what you will be assessed on. The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below are intended to answer some of the most common questions that are sent to our governance team inbox.

Following your visit to the qualification webpage and the FAQs below, if you still have questions for us, please email and a member of our team will get back to you.

General Questions

1. What qualifications and levels are there?

  • Award for Further Education Governance Professionals (Award FEGP). This is level 5 and assessed through multiple choice examination in a two-hour online closed-book exam – designation Award FEGP
  • Certificate for Further Education Governance Professionals (Cert FEGP). This is level 6 and assessed through a portfolio supported by an assessor – designation Cert FEGP
  • Diploma for Further Education Governance Professionals (Dip FEGP). This is level 7 and assessed through a professional discussion conducted as a formal interview by two assessors – designation Dip FEGP

2. How is the training delivered?

There isn’t any training delivered through these qualifications, the qualifications are intended to be an accreditation of the experiences, knowledge and learning that a person has collated within their own journey as a governance professional. If seeking CPD, we would recommend looking at the three levels of the Governance Professionals’ Development programmes:

The content of the ETF programmes has been shaped to meet key areas of the competency framework on which the assessments have been based.

3. Which level is right for me?

There are no formal entry requirements or training prerequisites, but it is recommended that a period of training is undertaken as part of your development. This can be either by attending a formal training course, self-study, regular and ongoing CPD or by completing a period of on-the-job training with the support of peer mentoring. You may, based on your prior experience and training, and after a review of the assessment frameworks, feel that you already possess the experience to pass the qualification. If this is the case, you may wish to apply for an exemption. Please see question 4 for more information on our exemption policy.

Generally, the level of the qualification that you choose to undertake should be based on your experience in the governance professional role. For example:

  • A governance professional in a FE institution who has had a year in the role and completed the Induction programme, and currently undertaking the Expert programme, would be recommended to attempt the Award FEGP.
  • A governance professional that has had more than four years of experience, and already completed the Expert programme, would be recommended to take the Governance Professionals Leadership programme and sign up for the Cert FEGP.

It is important to note that as the qualifications are competency based and at degree level (or above), there is a presumption of a strong understanding and application of governance principles in further education.

4. Are there any exemptions?

For the Award FEGP and/or the Cert FEGP levels, there is an exemptions policy which is available if you feel that you have already successfully gained an appropriate qualification and/or have the requisite experience for the Award FEGP and/or the Cert FEPG levels. There are currently two options available for the exemption procedure:

  • You are able to apply for an exemption for the Award FEGP meaning you progress to the Cert FEGP.
  • You are able to apply for an exemption for the Award FEGP and the Cert FEGP meaning you progress to the Dip FEGP.

Please note there is no exemption for the Dip FEGP.

For those interested in applying for an exemption please contact

5. How do I sign up via the booking system?

Booking is via the ETF booking system.

When booking your qualification, you will see a ‘booking close date’ deadline. Please note that this deadline is the booking deadline only and not the date of your assessment.

The dates for the Award FEGP can be found on this booking page, with an assessment due to be scheduled every three months.

Assessments for the Cert FEGP and Dip FEGP will be scheduled on a case-by-case basis with the individual governance professional once they have signed up on the booking page.

Award for Further Education Governance Professionals (Award FEGP)

1. What is the assessment structure for the Award level exam?

The exam is a closed-book exam and comprises three learning outcomes. All three outcomes are assessed in a single online closed-book supervised assessment which will comprise of 30 multiple-choice questions. Learners will have two hours to complete the assessment. Assessments will be drawn up based on the published assessment criteria using questions from a wider question bank developed by senior practitioners. The questions will be assessed at one of three thinking levels.


Learners are required to demonstrate their appreciation of the knowledge relating to further education governance through comprehension tasks. Correct responses to understanding questions will be awarded one mark.


Learners are required to apply their knowledge relating to further education governance by using it to answer a scenario-based question. Typically, the learner will be given a situation and will be required to apply their understanding of the subject to select the correct multiple-choice option and discard other options. Correct responses to application questions will be awarded one mark.


Learners will be expected to separate information in the question into parts to interpret the significance/relevance of the parts to the overall scenario and to draw conclusions as to the most appropriate steps a governance professional should take. Correct responses to analysis questions will be awarded two marks.

Pass mark: Learners who achieve 62% will be awarded a pass provided they have reached 50% in each individual outcome. Learners who do not achieve a pass can retake the assessment at any time in the future on payment of the advertised fee.

2. Are there any preparation sessions?

There are no preparation sessions or mock exams available for qualification. We recommend that participants read through the assessment frameworks to understand what will be covered. There are key documents that candidates should be familiar with, these include (but are not limited to) sector-relevant governance codes, ESFA funding agreements, college instruments and articles and these are listed in the framework.

3. What is the syllabus for the Award level exam?

For information on what will be covered in the exam, we recommend taking a look at page 3 ‘Assessment Criteria’.

4. What technology do I need for the exam? Do I need my own laptop?

You will need a laptop or computer to take the exam. We use a system called record and review. The system of supervision is all automated. This methodology means you can take the exams at a time to suit yourself during the day. All of the necessary instructions are sent to the candidates two weeks before the exams so you can test the equipment out – this will include all relevant information on the assessment, supervision, results, and next steps. If you do have any specific questions about the Award level assessment, please reach out to

Certificate for Further Education Governance Professionals (Certificate FEGP)

1. What are the entry requirements for the Certificate level exam?

There is an entry requirement for this level as you will need to have completed or been awarded an exemption from the IOD for the Award FEGP.

Access the exemptions process for more details and view the exemption form.

2. What is the assessment structure for the Certificate level?

The Cert FEGP level will be assessed via a Portfolio of Evidence covering all criteria. The assessment framework provided will enable you to reflect on the skills and experiences that you will need to demonstrate to be successful in the qualification.
Candidates will work with an assessor for this qualification to develop a portfolio of evidence which might include:

  • Products of work (e.g. reports, plans, meeting minutes, correspondence)
  • Witness testimonies (from colleagues, the Chair, Board Members, the principal/CEO, etc.)
  • Personal Reflective Statements
  • Questioning between candidate and assessor

3. Are there any preparation sessions?

Candidates who wish to start gathering evidence for a portfolio now based on the information above are free to do so, however, there will be further detailed guidance given by assessors.

Diploma for Further Education Governance Professionals (Dip FEGP)

1. What are the entry requirements for the Diploma level exam?

In order to complete the Diploma FEGP level assessment, you will need to be currently employed as a governance professional by a UK Further Education or Sixth Form College Corporation for at least five years with a minimum of three years in further education. In addition, candidates will need to have completed or had an exemption from the Award FEGP and Cert FEGP prior to registering for this qualification.

2. What is the assessment structure for the Diploma level exam?

The Diploma will be assessed via a three-stage Professional Discussion. The process will be as follows-

Stage 1

Application to complete the award made to IoD for assessment of eligibility.

Stage 2

Submission of evidence of competence that will form the basis of the Professional discussion:

  • A Statement of Practical Experience and Professional Competence, supporting documents and a corroboration countersignature/review by the Chair and principal/CEO
  • A Continuing Professional Development Record and Personal Development Plan (CPDRDP).

Stage 3

Professional Discussion (two hours) conducted as a formal interview by two assessors.

3. Are there any preparation sessions?

Candidates who wish to start preparing their pre-discussion submissions now based on the information above are free to do so, however, there will be further detailed guidance and templates given from assessors on an individual basis.
Both the assessment framework and submission guidance provided will enable you to reflect on the skills and experiences that you will need to demonstrate to be successful in the qualification.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact