Governance Professionals’ Qualification

The Governance Professionals' Qualifications: Award, Certificate, Diploma
The Governance Professionals’ Qualifications: three levels (tap to view in full).

Effective governance is one of the cornerstones of a successful organisation, with governance professionals integral to this success. With this in mind, we have been working to ensure this crucial role is widely recognised, and the new Governance Professionals’ Qualifications are an important part of this support and professionalisation of the role.

Funded by the Department for Education and delivered by the Education and Training Foundation (ETF) in partnership with the Institute of Directors (IoD), these qualifications are assessed at degree level and above and will demonstrate your professionalism and your commitment to development.

As part of your preparation for the Governance Professionals’ Qualifications, we suggest that you complete the governance professionals’ programmes, which cover the key competencies covered in the qualifications, as well as other relevant CPD.

Award for Further Education Governance Professionals (Award FEGP)

The go-to qualification for experienced governance professionals seeking to evidence their knowledge.

To undertake the assessment for the Award FEGP, you will need to have a good understanding of how to interpret and apply Further Education charity and governance law, principles and codes, and will currently be employed as a governance professional by an FE, sixth form, or designated college.

On completion, demonstrate your professional competencies and update your profile with Award FEGP and progress onto the Certificate for Further Education Governance Professionals.

Fee: £240 (£180 for exemption)

Certificate for Further Education Governance Professionals (Cert FEGP)

A qualification for established governance professionals looking to progress and develop against the competencies expected of someone in their position.

To undertake the assessment for the Cert FEGP, you will need an understanding of the effective delivery of governance in your institution and the ability to advise others on governance. You will work with an assessor to develop a portfolio of evidence which demonstrates your expertise and experience.

On completion, demonstrate your professional competencies and update your profile with Cert FEGP and progress onto the Diploma for Further Education Governance Professionals.

Fee: £540 (£360 for exemption)

Diploma for Further Education Governance Professionals (Dip FEGP)

A qualification for senior governance professionals currently working in a strategic leadership role. You’ll be at least five years into your governance career and currently employed as a governance professional by an FE, sixth form, or designated college, with a minimum of three years in the sector.

To undertake the assessment for the Diploma FEGP, you will have experience of creating, implementing, and evaluating strategic governance practices in an FE environment, which has enabled you to deliver excellence in governance through sound advice in complex situations.

You will be assessed via a two-hour professional discussion conducted as a formal interview by two assessors and will submit evidence of competence.

On completion, you can update your professional profile with Diploma FEGP.

Fee: £360

Competency Framework

The Competency Framework has been developed with the sector’s support to address the need identified by the Department for Education to strengthen FE governance as set out in the Skills for Jobs white paper.

This Competency Framework can be used to support a wide range of activities, including:

  • Formal qualifications: the framework underpins the Governance Professionals’ Qualification developed by the ETF and Institute of Directors.
  • CPD: the framework will inform the training and development offered by the DfE and ETF.
  • Induction and appraisal: the framework can be used as the basis of the annual appraisal and an opportunity for reflection on performance.

Qualification FAQs

Want to know more about how the qualifications are delivered or assessed or need help deciding which level is right for you? Our regularly updated FAQs will help ensure you have all the information you need to set you on your qualification journey.

Prior Learning and Exemptions

We recognise that you may have prior learning or experience which means you are already at – or above – the competence levels assessed in either the award or certificate. If this is the case, you may be eligible to apply for an exemption from the Award FEGP and/or the Cert FEGP, however, no exemptions are available for the Diploma FEGP.

You will need to demonstrate, through either the completion of a qualification or relevant work experience, that you have covered 70% of the assessment criteria of the qualification you wish to seek exemption for.

Full details on how to apply for an exemption and eligibility criteria are available in our Recognised Prior Learning Policy.