The Diversity in Leadership programme aims to challenge bias, remove obstacles to attaining leadership roles and to use tools to build confidence in aspiring leaders. It is aimed at senior leaders, managers and governors.
The programme will provide the knowledge and confidence to identify and challenge organisational bias and the concepts/behaviours which affect it to ensure that a diverse Further Education (FE) and Training sector workforce is supported at all levels of the organisation, including leadership and management.
Coaching will raise awareness, confidence levels, and build leadership capacity to increase the chances of success in securing senior leadership positions.
Key benefits
- Identify and challenge organisational bias and the concepts/behaviours which affect it, such as anchoring and institutional discrimination.
- Progress along the leadership pipeline and to do so without bias against your ethnicity, gender, sexuality and physical ability.
- Drive forward positive action to support the diverse workforce at all levels of leadership and management.
- Create an environment and culture of tolerance, acceptance and celebration of diversity and be a catalyst for change.
Programme content
The programme includes three strands of activity:
- Repeating the success of workshops delivered earlier this year, a series of virtual workshops focused on organisational culture change that will increase participants’ understanding of the principles, promotion and practice of equity, diversity and inclusion within an agenda of organisation culture change.
- New for 2021/22, a diversity masterclass series for senior managers and equality specialists of three related but free-standing modules covering in-depth topics to address and reverse structural discrimination and to promote diversity and inclusion. Sessions will focus on leadership, equality and diversity across the curriculum and line management.
- Coaching for BAME managers, leaders and governors that will support 30 aspiring BAME leaders to achieve a promotion or move into a new role to advance their careers in the sector.
Please note this programme is not currently available. Please check back later.