Strategic Innovation for Skills: A Programme for Senior Leaders of Change. Funded by the Department for Education.
A future-focused development programme to achieve strategic alignment between the world of Further Education (FE), Training and the needs of the economy, employers, learners and communities.
Themes covered within the programme will include future jobs, future skills needs, curriculum and quality and pedagogy in the FE and Training sector. Participants will consider a research base in these areas and the implications of this for their own practice, for the providers in which they work, and for their own professional development.
The programme will support senior leaders to consider the following when developing strategies in their colleges: Jobs and skills, Curriculum, Pedagogy and Quality.
Areas covered in this programme include:
Leaders will benefit from a professional development programme commissioned by the ETF that provides participants with a clear focus on the requirements of highly effective leadership and explore the latest thinking on pedagogy.
If you have any questions about this course, please email