Teaching for Mastery: Classroom resources

This section contains resources that will be primarily of interest to maths teachers, and their managers, who work with GCSE re-sits learners or those studying Functional Skills at level 1 or 2.

Here you will find:

  • 12 exemplar research lessons, developed by the University of Nottingham – including those used in the randomised control trial
  • exemplar schemes of learning, underpinned by the five principles of mastery
  • further sets of mastery lessons developed by CfEM colleges which link to the schemes of learning
  • guidance for teachers on teaching for mastery approaches trialled and used during the CfEM project, many of which feature in the mastery lessons.

All teaching and learning resources are underpinned by five key principles of mastery in the Further Education (FE) and Training sector, which were developed early in the CfEM project.

For further details, see the Mastery diagram and the CfEM Teaching for Mastery in Further Education handbook.

teachers having a discussion

GCSE maths re-sits: Classroom resources

Lesson plans, slides and handouts, written by teachers in CfEM colleges for GCSE maths re-sit lessons.
Maths and English Networks Feb 2023 longform image

Functional Skills level 2: Classroom resources

Lesson plans, slides and handouts, written by teachers in CfEM colleges for Functional Skills Level 2 lessons.
Teacher helping a student in classroom

Functional Skills level 1: Classroom resources

Lesson plans, slides and handouts, written by teachers in CfEM colleges for Functional Skills Level 1 lessons.
teacher and two students in classroom

Using mastery approaches in your teaching

Guidance for teachers on the approaches trialled and used during the CfEM project.
students in a maths lesson

Research lessons

Exemplars for both GCSE re-sits and Functional Skills levels 1 and 2.