CPD for maths teachers and trainers

A suite of courses designed to meet the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) needs of all maths practitioners in the Further Education and Skills sector.

Maths CPD graphic

The Education and Training Foundation (ETF) has a wide range of CPD courses and resources to support maths and English delivery.

Our offer has been carefully designed to provide solutions to concerns around progress in post-16 maths and English attainment and to develop subject specific skills.

The courses are for practitioners at all levels and stages of their development and include:

These can be packaged and delivered in-house and tailored to meet the needs of the organisation, either online or face-to-face.

Prices start from £525 per module. For an in-house group booking, discounts are available for packages of modules – contact us for details.

Level 5

These courses are for teachers currently teaching GCSE or Functional Skills in the Further Education and Skills Sector. They would also be useful for vocational staff delivering T levels with substantial mathematical content.

Courses are delivered online, 2 hours each week over 10 weeks and are also available for delivery in-house.

The cost is £495 per person for an open course – discounts are available for an in-house group booking – contact us for details.



  • Teaching Maths Functional Skills teaching (Level 5 module) 
    This course is particularly suitable for those who do not currently hold a specific teaching qualification in maths. It is designed to meet the needs of all parts of the Further Education and Training sector, including independent training providers, colleges, offender learning and adult and community education.
  • Teaching Maths GCSE: develop your practice (Level 5 module)
    This course supports practitioners working with GCSE maths learners, especially those who have achieved lower than a grade 5 at school. You will explore and experience how to engage and motivate learners and undertake assessment throughout the learner journey to build on prior learning.

For a full course description please follow the course link to the ETF booking website.

Functional Skills

These modules are suitable for teachers currently teaching Functional Skills in the Further Education and Skills Sector. They would also be useful for vocational staff supporting the delivery of maths. 

The modules can be packaged and delivered in-house and tailored to meet the needs of the organisation, either online or face-to-face.

Prices start from £525 per module. For an in-house group booking, discounts are available for packages of modules – contact us for details.


  • Money maths
    This course introduces contextual materials and activities to develop learners’ money maths abilities. It will support you to plan differentiated, inclusive money maths sessions. You will consider how to build on the knowledge and understanding that learners bring to the maths classroom to motivate them and encourage them to understand the value of maths.
  • Supporting maths learners from Entry level 3 to Level 2
    This interactive course will present practical strategies to support your maths learners by considering the mistakes and misconceptions commonly seen in our learning settings and in the summative assessments.
  • Manipulating and using numbers
    This course explores a range of methods and modelling that support skills development and deep learning of fractions, decimals, percentages, negative numbers, indices, and standard form. It introduces a range of rich collaborative tasks, tackles misconceptions and uses technology effectively.
  • Maths problem solving
    This is an interactive course that will support all practitioners in developing learners reasoning and problem-solving skills. Whilst also examining a range of activities that can be used with learners for supporting them in improving confidence in tackling more complex multistep problems.
  • Modelling and abstraction
    This course explores Concrete, Abstract and Pictorial (CAP) representations that support deep learning and a better understanding of algebraic skills, geometric connections and number work, including conversions.
  • Number at the core of maths
    This course explores a range of methods and approaches that support number skills development and deep learning including place value, BIDMAS and estimation approaches suitable for both GCSE and Functional Skills maths.
  • Mathematical methods
    The course is designed to explore a range of approaches and alternative methods focusing on the nine basic skills of maths that underpin everything else – addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, percentages, scale and ratio. The core principle at the heart is to explore ‘any valid mathematical method’ that will gain marks in exams.
  • Teaching Maths Functional Skills (Level 5 module)
    This course is particularly suitable for those who do not currently hold a specific teaching qualification in maths. It is designed to meet the needs of all parts of the Further Education and Skills sector, including independent training providers, colleges, offender learning and adult and community education.

For a full course description please follow the course link to the ETF booking website.


These modules are suitable for teachers currently teaching GCSE in the Further Education and Skills Sector. They would also be useful for vocational staff supporting the delivery of maths.

The modules can be packaged and delivered in-house and tailored to meet the needs of the organisation, either online or face-to-face.

Prices start from £525 per module. For an in-house group booking, discounts are available for packages of modules – contact us for details.


  • Modelling and abstraction
    This course explores Concrete, Abstract and Pictorial (CAP) representations that support deep learning and a better understanding of algebraic skills, geometric connections and number work, including conversions. It is helpful for maths study and for everyday life and work.
  • Algebra in maths
    This interactive course will provide examples of activities that can be used with learners to develop their understanding of algebra, an area which is challenging to many. It will focus on algebraic expressions and linear equations and will look at how to encourage learners to rethink problems and secure their learning through tackling problems.
  • Application of ratio and direct proportion 
    This interactive course will explore a range of strategies and teaching approaches to support learners to develop their understanding and confidence in using proportional reasoning and in solving ratio and proportion problems.
  • Graphs in maths 
    This interactive course will explore activities that you can use with learners to develop their understanding and solve linear graphs, recognise and interpret graphical quadratic equations and solve everyday contexts represented by graphs.
  • Manipulating and using numbers
    This course explores a range of methods and modelling that support skills development and deep learning of fractions, decimals, percentages, negative numbers, indices, and standard form. It introduces a range of rich collaborative tasks, tackles misconceptions and uses technology effectively.
  • Visualising maths
    This interactive course will explore different ways visualisation-focused activities can support learners’ understanding and encourage deeper thinking in maths, including algebraic expressions, circle geometry, areas, and problem-solving.
  • Teaching Maths GCSE: develop your practice (Level 5 module) 
    This course supports practitioners working with GCSE maths learners, especially those who have achieved lower than a grade 5 at school. You will explore and experience how to engage and motivate learners and undertake assessment throughout the learner journey to build on prior learning.

For a full course description please follow the course link to the ETF booking website.

Teaching Learning and Assessment

These modules consider aspects of Maths as a subject, combined with pedagogical aspects of teaching, learning and assessment. They are suitable for teachers currently teaching GCSE and/or Functional Skills in the Further Education and Skills Sector. They would also be useful for vocational staff supporting the delivery of maths.

These modules can be packaged and delivered in-house and tailored to meet the needs of the organisation, either online or face-to-face.

Prices start from £525 per module. For an in-house group booking, discounts are available for packages of modules – contact us for details.


  • Integrating maths into vocational courses
    This interactive course will support technical and vocational tutors, trainers, and assessors to identify naturally occurring opportunities to develop learners’ maths skills needed to successfully complete their study programme, apprenticeship, or vocational or technical course.
  • Key factors in individual maths lesson planning
    This interactive course will support all practitioners in delivering substantial maths content in how approaches to planning can support deeper learning and develop learner engagement. It will include how the use of resources can be maximised.
  • Maths problem solving
    This is an interactive course that will support all practitioners in developing learners’ reasoning and problem-solving skills. Whilst also examining a range of activities that can be used with learners for supporting them in improving confidence in tackling more complex multistep problems.
  • Modelling and abstraction
    This course explores Concrete, Abstract and Pictorial (CAP) representations that support deep learning and a better understanding of algebraic skills, geometric connections and number work, including conversions.
  • Number at the core of maths
    This course explores a range of methods and approaches that support number skills development and deep learning including place value, BIDMAS and estimation approaches suitable for both GCSE and Functional Skills maths.
  • The role of assessment in maths
    This interactive course will present examples of different types of assessment to develop an understanding of their role in supporting learning. You will consider the importance of learners’ maths experiences and how these might impact their learning.
  • Maths puzzles
    This course will introduce a range of geometry and algebra games and puzzles to engage maths learners to help develop mathematical fluency, encourage deep thinking and support problem solving development.
  • Maths in more than one dimension
    This course explores a range of approaches and imagery that support skills development and deep learning of 2D and 3D shape and relationships between angles, from first principles. It introduces a range of rich collaborative tasks, tackles misconceptions and uses innovative technology.
  • Impact of language in maths
    This interactive course will provide a deeper look into how we approach questioning learners and how to develop learners’ ability to transfer knowledge across contexts. It will also consider what makes for effective discussion and ways to address maths specific vocabulary.

For a full course description please follow the course link to the ETF booking website.

Motivation and Engagement

These modules focus on approaches to and techniques for motivation and engagement in the maths classroom. They are suitable for teachers currently teaching GCSE and/or Functional Skills in the Further Education and Skills Sector. They would also be useful for vocational staff supporting the delivery of maths.

These modules can be packaged and delivered in-house and tailored to meet the needs of the organisation, either online or face-to-face. 

Prices start from £525 per module. For an in-house group booking, discounts are available for packages of modules – contact us for details.


  • Practical activities to engage maths learners
    This course aims to investigate and discuss practical approaches that can be used with learners, and alternative ways of presenting problems, to achieve greater engagement in the maths classroom.
  • Removing barriers to motivation in maths
    This course will provide participants with the opportunity to plan effectively to meet the needs of the learners and explore a range of techniques and activities to increase motivation and engagement.
  • Attendance and motivation in maths
    This course will explore how to support learners to value maths skills and investigate coaching and resilience strategies to support teaching practice and encourage learners to engage.

For a full course description please follow the course link to the ETF booking website.

Additional learning support

These modules focus on approaches to support learners with additional learning needs in the maths classroom. They are suitable for teachers currently teaching GCSE and/or Functional Skills in the Further Education and Skills Sector. They would also be useful for vocational staff supporting the delivery of maths. 

These modules can be packaged and delivered in-house and tailored to meet the needs of the organisation, either online or face-to-face.  

Prices start from £525 per module. For an in-house group booking, discounts are available for packages of modules – contact us for details. 


Inclusive Formative and Summative Assessment for maths and English 

Who is this for: Managers, lecturers/teachers of English and Maths and subject specialists. 

Aim: The session focuses on principles and practice of inclusive assessment in the English and maths classroom. 

The outcomes of the course are to: 

  • Explain the core elements of effective formative and summative assessment 
  • Analyse how effective assessment is underpinned by learning mindsets  
  • Explain effective, inclusive formative assessment in maths and English, in principle and practice 
  • Outline effective, inclusive summative assessment principles and practice 

Length: 2 hours 


Inclusive Initial and Diagnostic Assessment for maths and English 

Who is this for: Managers, lecturers/teachers of English and maths and subject specialists. 

Aim: The session focuses on the principles and practices of inclusive initial and diagnostic assessment in the English and maths classroom. 

The outcomes of the course are to: 

  • Identify the purpose of initial and diagnostic assessments 
  • State differences between IA and DA 
  • Evaluate a range of IA and DA activities 

Length: 2 hours 


Inclusive planning to support neurodiverse learners in the maths and English classroom 

Who is it for: Managers, lecturers/teachers of English and maths and subject specialists. 

Aim: The session focuses on the principles and practice of planning to meet individual learner needs in a maths or English classroom. 

 The outcomes of the course are to: 

  • Identify the foundations of planning and sequencing learning.
  • Identify learning intentions. 
  • Review strategies and documents to support the planning process. 
  • Identify individual starting points.


Supporting neurodiverse learners in the maths classroom 

Who is it for: Lecturers/teachers of maths, subject specialists in post 16 settings. 

Aim: This webinar focuses on sharing good practice regarding how to provide appropriate maths support for learners with additional needs who are on mainstream vocational provisions. The session aims to support teachers and educators to recognise the range of neurodiversity needs that maybe present in both diagnosed and undiagnosed learners. The aim is to recognise the tapestry of our classrooms and uses the principle message that a better understanding of learners needs will result in more impactful teaching, learning and assessment. With between 30-40% of the population thought to be neurodiverse the evidence is clear that an increased understanding of these needs would result in a more inclusive classroom. 

The outcomes of the course aims to: 

  • Develop practitioners understanding of neurodiverse needs and how to improve the design of teaching and learning in maths to support these learners. 
  • Share strategies which explore how educators might manage neurodiverse behaviours which will promote impactful learning. 
  • Promote and share a body of valid and relevant evidence-based research to enable practitioners to plan for effective learning and delivery. 

Length: 2 hours 


A national termly maths network in which maths teachers will have the opportunity to learn about new resources, collaborate and share experiences and ideas, and participate in CPD.

Book for the National Maths Network 

National networks are free of charge.

If you are interested in contributing ideas or a CPD session for a network please contact us.

Maths for Vocational

This course has been designed to support professionals in a range of settings including vocational teachers, apprenticeship assessors/trainers and learning support staff. 

Prices start from £135 for participation in an open course. 10% discounts are available for SET members and discounts are available for onsite group bookings – contact us for details.


Develop your learners’ maths skills in vocational and technical settings
This course will provide participants with a range of strategies and activities to support learners to develop and use their English skills in a range of contexts.

For a full course description and to book, view the ETF booking website.


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Upcoming Maths and English CPD training

Upcoming Maths and English CPD training


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