Advanced Practitioners

In 2017, the Education and Training Foundation (ETF) commissioned the Institute for Employment Studies (IES) to conduct research into how Further Education (FE) providers use Advanced Practitioner type roles to improve teaching, learning and assessment. Following on from this work, we commissioned a national programme of support for current and aspiring Advanced Practitioners which ran until 2022 which was delivered by touch Consulting on behalf of the ETF.

As part of the programme, we developed an Advanced Practitioner Toolkit,  guides which are available to download. Practitioner reflections were also gathered and resources and presentations from the final conference can be accessed on the website of Touch Consulting.

In addition to this, Advanced Practitioners can gain recognition for their mastery in teaching and/or training and the support they provide to others by undertaking Advanced Teacher Status (ATS). ATS is the badge of advanced professionalism and mastery in further education and training. It is an advanced professional status that is conferred by the Education and Training Foundation (ETF) through the Society for Education and Training (SET).

APP evaluation report

In 2021, the ETF commissioned SQW to undertake a process and impact evaluation of the Advanced Practitioner Programme delivered by Touch Consulting on behalf of the ETF. A summary of the main findings is presented at the beginning of the report.