Further Prevent and British values resources


NEW: Misogyny and Prevent

In light of increased media reporting about misogyny prompted by the arrest of Andrew Tate in Romania, and in response for your calls for more information, here are some useful resources on the manosphere which provide guidance on how to approach this issue in the context of Prevent.

There is certainly evidence of misogynistic narratives within some extremist ideologies and we are acutely aware of how online usage makes it easier to explore these views. However, when considering if a Prevent referral is appropriate you should consider if there are wider indications of radicalisation, meaning an individual could be drawn into supporting terrorist groups or activities. Please note if you have any concerns contact your Prevent co-ordinator or Regional DFE Prevent co-ordinators.

For information about incels specifically:

General information articles:

Sexual harassment in the Further Education sector: it doesn’t have to be this way

In 2019, the NUS released a report outlining students’ experiences and perceptions of sexual harassment, violence and domestic abuse in the Further Education sector. This is such an important and sensitive subject that needs to be kept in view. At the ETF, we have worked with partners and providers in the FE sector to create a resource for practitioners to open up conversations with learners. The resources come from a position of asking the question ‘what are healthy relationships’. We asked learners to think about this and maybe consider creating a piece of media which might be used in a campaign to get others thinking.

Working with learners around sexual violence

Take a look at this course developed by Bolton College for teachers to use with learners to explore all aspects of healthy relationships, including the prevention of sexual harassment and abuse. You will need to set up a free account. 


British values and Prevent induction activities for post-16 learners

British values and Prevent induction activities
A pack produced by Active Citizens for Colleges. A learning resource that further education and skills providers can use to give learners, ideally during their induction period, a good introductory understanding of British values and the nature of extremism and radicalisation. An understanding they should build on further as they progress with their programmes. The materials are suitable for Level 3 learners.

Young people and extremism- a resource pack for youth workers
This resource supports staff in understanding extremism and also has some activities for use with learners.


Kingston Maurward land based college resources


E-safety and Prevent game

Hull Learner Consortium (HLC) developed resources for e-safety and Prevent:


Video resources

** All videos must be viewed in advance by members of staff delivering the sessions **

GOT (Getting On Together) resources to challenge extremism

These were developed by GOT, based in Cardiff, but are applicable across the country. It is a fully resourced teaching programme comprising of:

  • lesson outlines and overviews
  • detailed line by line delivery notes with best practice advice
  • accompanying resources
  • accompanying videos.


The FREE Initiative

The Far-Right Extremism in Europe (FREE) initiative, funded by the European Commission’s Prevention of and Fight Against Crime Programme, produced a number of videos available on YouTube:

  1. Far-right extremism – why should we be concerned?
  2. Far-right extremism – the human face
  3. Far-right extremism – policing the far-right
  4. Far-right extremism – we need exit programmes
  5. Far-right extremism – how to approach extremists
  6. Far-right extremism – speaking against prejudice
  7. Far-right extremism – empowering targeted communities
  8. Far-right extremism – online extremism


Pathways video

This widely used video presents the route to extremism for two young men, one in terms of extreme right activity and one in terms of Islamic extremism.

Materials to support use of the Pathways video:


Educate Against Hate

Educate Against Hate hosts content produced by Be Internet Citizens,  an educational programme developed by the Institute of Strategic Dialogue and YouTube. Covers topics including:

  • How to identify mis and disinformation (e.g. conspiracy theories, clickbait, manipulated media);
  • Exploring fact versus opinion, including how sensational content can be used to drive user engagement;
  • The benefits and pitfalls of a ‘personalised web’, including algorithms and filter bubbles;
  • Understanding unconscious bias and how it influences our worldview;
  • Analysing ‘us vs them’ narratives, and how online echo chambers may widen social divides;
  • Responding effectively to hate speech and forging more inclusive digital communities;
  • Creating inspiring digital content to champion causes, promote positive messages and support peers.

Educate Against Hate also hosts a one-hour lesson plan from the Economist Educational Foundation that explores why conspiracy theories are more common in times of crisis, why people spread them and how they should be debunked.


Blogs by ETF Associate Selina Stewart

ETF Associate Selina Stewart asks what conspiracy theories are and why they are of concern.

What are conspiracy theories and why do we need to worry about them 

Why do people adopt conspiracy theories?

Building resilience to resist conspiracy theories


Fake news, disinformation and misinformation resources

  • ISD Be Internet Citizens
    The Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) resources for building learners’ ‘digital citizenship skills across the UK, enabling them to critically evaluate information and forge safer and more accountable online spaces’.
  • Fake News
    A lesson plan form the British Council, designed for post-16 and adult learners, looking at ways to identify fake news and websites

  • Share Checklist
    Government web page about watching out for what you share and what you read, misinformation and disinformation.

  • FullFact
    This is a UK-based, independent, fact checking website. FullFact is a registered charity.

  • Real or Photoshop?
    Quiz to test your powers of observation and ability to recognise real and Photoshopped images.


Conspiracy theories resources

Countering the moon landing conspiracy theory

These resources are designed for Level 3 students to learn how to critically approach claims that are presented as factually based. These skills can then be used in relation to other claims (conspiracy theories, disinformation, etc).

  • The Moonlanding conspiracy theory class materials
    This document can be printed out for the class. The document contains charts to consider the evidence for and against the conspiracy theory and it supports students in making a final judgement of their own.


Vampire conspiracy

Digital Disruption developed the Vampire Conspiracy video with young people in London. The film is fictional but it convinced many young people that there were vampires in London and the video went viral. This is an excellent way to demonstrate how propaganda can be effective but totally untrue.


Additional resources

This section includes resources for general information that may be useful for you to look at when developing your Prevent and British values materials.

Professional Standards for Teachers
Standards developed by the ETF in consultation with practitioners and providers from across the sector, which define common expectations of teaching.

Victims of Terrorism Leaflet 2019
This leaflet was produced by the UK government and gives general information on support available to victims of terrorist activities in the UK.

Keeping Muslims Safe Online
A safety guide launched by the Faith Associates & Imams Online, in partnership with Facebook. The guide is aimed at providing easy to understand tips and advice outlining best practice to help keep Muslims safe online.

What Islam really says
A leaflet developed by a broad group of mosques and Muslim scholars in Cardiff that explains what Islam really says about abiding by the laws of the land, blasphemy, moderation and extremism.

Tips for giving safely
Advice published by the UK Fundraising Regulator for charities who are raising funds for the crises in Ukraine, Syria and elsewhere.

Get Safe Online
A website with advice on safe internet usage, password security, safeguarding children online and online shopping.


Online bullying and grooming resources

The following focus on sexual grooming and bullying, but many of messages apply to extremist grooming and exploitation as well:

How social media is used to encourage travel to Syria and Iraq Department of Education advice about the use of social media and terrorist groups.

Behaviour barometer
A chart showing behaviour that would or would not be worrying. This was developed in Canada so the contact details are not applicable but the barometer itself will be helpful.

Young Digital Leaders curriculum pack 2019
Young Digital Leaders is a Europe-wide programme, developed by ISD that aims to empower young people through digital citizenship, critical thinking and media literacy skills that reach beyond the classroom, so that they can be truly empowered as responsible digital leaders.
