This range of e-learning courses are designed to support staff in the Further Education (FE) and Skills sector to carry out their safeguarding and Prevent duties.
Follow the links below for more information or to book onto the courses that relate to your role.
Creating a ‘Safe Space’ Online for Teaching and Learning is a new resource that aims to equip practitioners with the knowledge, skills and confidence to safely facilitate sessions online with learners in a variety of different contexts and settings. It deals with topics including recognising the importance of looking after yourself, how to be more in control of delivery, and what might be driving behaviour.
This safeguarding training course is designed to support all those working in the Further Education and Skills sector.
The new look and revised content were developed in consultation with those working in the profession.
The key updates are:
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility so it is important to have knowledge and understanding of what types of safeguarding issues you might come across, need to report or get advice about. Increased awareness and understanding, alongside effectively implemented safeguarding policies, provide staff and learners with a safer working and learning environment and ensures early intervention is actioned when necessary. Children, young people and adults at risk can be vulnerable to abuse, neglect and harm and need intervention and protection.
Safeguarding in the Further Education (FE) and Training Sector contains five modules:
It is envisioned that it will take four hours to work through this course. There is an assessment at the end of each week and you will receive a certificate once you have completed the course.
The course does not contain detailed information about safer recruitment. If recruitment issues are relevant to your role, please access the ‘Safeguarding and Safer Recruitment in FE’ course below.
This safeguarding training course is designed to support all those working in the Further Education and Training sector.
An updated Safer Recruitment course is available and is for anyone who is involved with the recruitment of staff or volunteers in the FE and Training sector.
Safer recruitment is a crucial part of safeguarding children, young people and adults at risk and is governed by extensive legislation and guidance. This course is not about how to recruit but how to make your recruitment processes safer. Clear and well-promoted safer recruitment policies and practices can deter unsuitable applicants from applying and can support prevention of the recruitment of unsuitable people.
This course explores safer recruitment, examining why it is important and how methods of safer recruitment can be embedded within your organisation to enable the identification of unsuitable adults who may apply for employment or to volunteer at your organisation. This course has been updated to reflect the changes outlined in the Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) document (revisions Sept 2022). It is divided into three modules:
The module takes on average three hours to complete with questions and a certificate at the end. There are multiple links to other reading resources and links to government guidance and templates. Additional reading is guided by your interest and the context of your organisation. Where possible, we have provided information that is topical and relevant for the FE and Training sector.
Two substantially revised courses to support governors and governance professionals with their safeguarding and Prevent duty responsibilities.
For governors of colleges, please access the Governance Development Programme.
For all other governors, please complete the Safeguarding in the Further Education (FE) and Training Sector linked to at the top of the page.
For advice on Prevent and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI), it is recommended that governors complete the Prevent and Advancing Equality courses available.
Recently revised and updated courses on Prevent duty awareness training.
The ETF revised and updated the Prevent duty awareness training courses in 2021. The new look and revised content were developed in consultation with the profession, both through the early stages of its development and in pilots.
The key updates are:
The programme has been rewritten in response to feedback from users, strengthening the importance of understanding your role and responsibilities. The biggest change is that we have collapsed the previous eight modules into one version, where you can select to read sections most relevant to you and reflect on the multiple roles people have within the sector.
The modules are relevant for the following roles: Employers; Governors/Trustees/Directors and board members; Host families; Leaders and managers; Practitioners; Subcontractors; and Support staff.
The Prevent duty is the duty in the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 on specified authorities to have due regard for the need to prevent people from being groomed by extremists. All individuals and organisations who are involved in the Further Education and Training sector need to be aware of the Prevent duty and their responsibilities with respect to this.