Employers and employability

Resources to help support learners with SEND to find work

Learners with SEND can face real challenges in finding and sustaining employment. The resources on this page and the associated sub-pages: Support for learners, Support for employers and Pathways to employment will help you to engage with employers, and support learners with SEND to find and sustain work.

Employer voice

We are delighted to announce we are continuing with our ’employer spokes’ which complement our Centres for Excellence in SEND. The FE providers outlined below will continue to bring the employer voice right to the fore with employer-led activities which showcase the benefits of employing learners with SEND and having a diverse workforce.

The FE providers are:

  • Dynamic Training 
  • Hampshire County Council 
  • London South East Colleges 
  • Luminate Group 

Check the ETF course booking website to register for employer-led events

Find and join your local SEND employment forum

NDTi is supporting Local Authorities to establish and develop SEND employment forums as well as administrating and monitoring Section 14 grants to support them with this programme. Contact your NDTi regional lead to get more information about your local forum and how to join.

A decent job can lead to a happy life

Having high aspirations for employment from the earliest years for our learners with SEND is important. In the webinar, A decent job can lead to a happy life, organisations across the Education Sector come together to explain why and to signpost you to the support available. In the webinar you’ll hear from DFN’s Project SEARCH, nasen and Whole School SEND, base (British Association for Supported Employment) and ETF’s Centre for Excellence in SEND (Community).

Why diversifying your workforce is good for business

Hear directly from a range of employers on how employing young people with special educational needs and disabilities has improved their businesses.

The young people benefit but so do the whole workforce and their customers, and of course, it’s the right thing to do!

cover image of Why diversifying your workforce is good for business

Access to work

cover image of Access to work new process

Access to work is a Government scheme to support people who are disabled or have a physical or mental health condition to be able to undertake their work. A grant can enable the purchase of special equipment, adaptations or support worker services.

This Access to Work new process presentation, created by City College Norwich, Centre for Excellence in SEND (community) explains the processes required when claiming Access to Work funding, as at the time of creation October 2020.

Professional development

Do take a look at our wide range of courses, many of them relevant to those supporting learners with SEND, together with our bespoke SEND offer.

Visit the News and Events page for the latest course and event updates. Are you a Society for Education and Training (SET) member? If so you’ll have access to professional development articles and webinars that cover a whole range of topics to help you support learners with SEND.

Join the SEND conversation on social media: #SENDinFE