Specific learning differences and wellbeing

Learners with learning differences

The resources on this page focus on supporting learners with specific learning differences and their wellbeing. Working in the FE and Training sector, we maintain our professional status through regular on-going training and development.

When considering ourselves in the role of learner, we know we have individual learning preferences. We also know that we all learn differently and may require different approaches throughout our lives. We all know what it feels like to sit through a training session when we can’t fully concentrate because of anxieties about other aspects of our home or work life, some of our learners have concentration issues too – perhaps because of ADHD or poor mental health. Considering adapting our practice, working towards inclusive learning benefits everyone and often small changes to support one learner, can actually benefit many other learners too.

With a growing number of resources within the specific learning differences and wellbeing page we have created sub-pages for: Autism, Blind and sight loss, Deaf, deafened and hearing loss, Dyslexia, Mental health, Physical disabilities and Profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD) and you can find these at the end of the page.

Supporting learners with additional needs

Enabling learners with additional needs to make good progress is as much about differentiated, inclusive teaching and learning, as it is about high-quality learning support. And additional support does not always have to take the form of an ALS practitioner, as learners’ needs can often be met through reasonable adjustments. We recognise that, as teachers, you need to feel confident about applying inclusive practices in your teaching and learning and have at your fingertips an array of strategies to test out with individual learners.

Supporting learners with additional needs: A three-tier approach was produced by Milton Keynes College for use within prisons contains useful guidance for practitioners across the sector.

cover image Supporting learners with additional needs

The importance of support

Learners with SEND from Further Education Colleges across the country, discuss their experiences of learning in FE and the support they have received.

Learners suggestions for improvements

Learners with SEND discuss the improvements in support they need to help them in their learning.

Advancing equality in further education

The Advancing equality in further education is a free short online course developed by the ETF to support you in developing your knowledge and understanding of the importance of equality, diversity and inclusion.

Resources for specific needs


Resources for supporting learners with autism.

Blind and sight loss

Resources for supporting blind and partially sighted learners.

Deaf, deafened and hearing loss

Resources for supporting learners with hearing loss or a hearing impairment.


Resources for supporting learners with Dyslexia.

Mental health

Resources to help you support the mental health of your learners and yourself.

Physical disabilities

Resources to help you support learners with physical disability.


Supporting learners with complex health conditions along with learning difficulties.