Safeguarding learners with SEND

This page contains resources to help safeguard learners with SEND.

Further information and resources are available on our Safeguarding and Prevent web pages.

British Values

Making British values meaningful for learners with autism.

Natspec together with other specialist colleges developed a British Value resources for learners with autism pack, to help teachers support their learners. The pack contains the following resources. 

A teachers’ guide, Making British Values meaningful for learners with autism, introducing British values into the curriculum in an accessible way.

When working with learners with autism, or other types of SEND, it may not always be appropriate to launch straight into the abstract concepts of democracy, individual liberties, rule of law and mutual respect and tolerance. The guide introduces an ‘I, You, We’ model based on an appreciation that for many learners with autism, their understanding of the world is very much centred on the self, and they may need explicit teaching to support their understanding of other people and society more generally. The same model may also be helpful for learners with other types of SEND.

Cover image of Making British Values meaningful for learners with autism

Class rules – teacher guidance and presentation to support the development of classroom rules to promote British values.

Understanding democracy – teacher guidance for an activity to explore democracy with learners.

Understanding difference – teacher guidance for an activity to promote mutual respect and tolerance.

The complete British Value resources for learners with autism pack is available for download.

Keeping safe from extremism

Helping learners with autism keep safe from extremism

The Keep safe from extremism pack, was developed by Natspec in collaboration with other specialist colleges to help teachers support their learners. Within the pack you’ll find the following resources.

A teachers’ guide, Helping learners with autism keep safe from extremism, to understanding the risks of radicalisation and hw to keep safe. 

Learners with autism (or other types of SEND) are all individuals, so the risk factors will differ from one learner to the next. However, certain characteristics commonly associated with autism can make those with this condition particularly vulnerable to being radicalised. It is important to consider these risk factors when deciding how best to teach learners with autism about protecting themselves from the threat of radicalisation and which aspects to prioritise.

Not everyone on the internet is who they say they are – Teacher guidance and activities that explore how you can tell who you can trust. To support this resource there is an online activity, Is my online friend who they say they are?

Cover image of Helping learners with autism understand how to keep safe from radicalisation and extremism

Keeping safe from radicalisation and extremism what has it got to do with me? – Teacher guidance and activities to keep safe from extremism and radicalisation and includes this Keeping safe presentation.

Destiny Awaits – a digital story of coercion – this resource takes the form of a digital story created in PowerPoint in which learners are exposed to a form of simulated coercion by someone with extremist views. As they move through the game at their own pace, they are faced with a series of scenarios and get to choose how they respond. Teacher guidance notes are provided.

Safety Net Friend or Fake? – This booklet produced for learners, families and support. The booklet is designed for people to go through together and discuss. The booklet talks about a type of Disability Hate Crime called ‘Mate Crime’ – which means that sometimes friends are fakes and tells you what to look out for and do if a ‘Mate Crime’ happens.

Keeping safe from radicalisation

Prevent resources for adult learners

The Prevent resources for adult learners resource is intended for use with learners who may be studying a range of subjects and whose literacy and English skills are at entry level. The guide contains:

  • links to videos (also show below)
  • presentations: Staying safe online activity and Talking British Values 
  • activities.

This short film, ETF Drama: Michael and Joy follows the stories of Michael and Jo who talk about their experiences of grooming online.

This short film, ETF Documentry: British Values shows interviews with learners talking about what British values mean to them.