Networks are online events that enable those involved in the planning and delivery of T Levels to hear from others, interact, exchange ideas, discuss specific topics and find solutions. There will be opportunities to listen to input from expert guest speakers and to discuss key themes in dedicated break-out rooms.

Benefits of attending T Level Networks:

  • Build connections
  • Gain access to relevant resources
  • Hear from sector experts

The following Networks are available for the 2024/2025 academic year.

  • Assessment Networks
    Our online 60 minute Assessment Networks are an opportunity to hear from others, ask questions and share practice which will provide you with inspiration and practical ideas to prepare your learners for T Level assessment.
  • Curriculum Networks
    Our online 60 minute Curriculum Networks are an opportunity to gain ideas from others and share your experiences of T Level planning and delivery. You will join break-out rooms to ask questions, discuss specific topics and find solutions to commonly held challenges. Themes for discussion will include Planning T Level delivery, Pedagogical approaches for T Level delivery, Supporting progression to and from T Levels, Recruitment, entry and retention.
  • Industry Placement Networks
    Our online 60 minute Industry Placement Networks are an opportunity to hear from others, ask questions and share ideas to find solutions to commonly held challenges related to industry placements. You will discuss approaches to sourcing placement opportunities and supporting learner success. Key themes will include Placing Industry PlacementEmployer EngagementPreparing Learners for Industry Placement and Supporting Learner Success on Industry Placement.
  • Question Time Panels
    Our online 60 minute Question Time panels are an opportunity to ask questions to those on the frontline, teaching and supporting delivery of T Levels, as well as other key stakeholders including Awarding Organisations and employers. You will learn from them to gain proven ideas for your own planning and delivery.
  • Route Specific Networks
    Our online 90 minute Route Specific Networks are an opportunity to collaborate with others who are involved in the planning, delivery and assessment of individual T Levels routes. You will be able to hear from others, ask questions and share practice that results directly to that route.
  • Schools Networks:
    Our online 60 minute Schools Networks are an opportunity to hear from others, ask questions and share practice to find solutions to commonly held challenges. Key themes will include Planning T Level deliveryPedagogical approaches for T Level deliveryT Level progression, RecruitmentEntry and Retentions.
  • Strategic Leads Networks
    Our online 60 minute Strategic Leads Networks are an opportunity to collaborate with colleagues in strategic roles in order to discuss approaches to the successful implementation and delivery of T Levels.
  • T Level Resource Improvement Project Masterclass
    Our online 60 minute TRIP Masterclass explores the latest range of project resources produced by T Level providers in collaboration with other expert stakeholders. You will be able to gain a detailed understanding of the resources that are available and gain insights as to how they can support your own teaching, learning and assessment.

If you have any questions about how to book or cancel your place, please email