Round 3 (2020-22)

On 5 February 2020, the Department for Education (DfE) announced funding for a Round 3 of the Taking Teaching Further programme. The initiative is managed by the Education and Training Foundation on behalf of the DfE.

Round 3 of the programme will run from April 2020 to July 2022. The focus will be on supporting Further Education (FE) providers to recruit people with industry experience to retrain as FE teachers in teaching positions across any of the 15 technical teaching routes.

The programme’s long-term aims are to:

  • raise the profile and prestige of skilled FE teaching, particularly among industry professionals; and
  • increase the overall number of skilled technical teaching roles by helping providers to support experienced industry professionals with the training that they require to become FE teachers

Round 3 is no longer recruiting. Please see details for Round 5 of Taking Teaching Further.

Financial Support for Initial Teacher Education (ITE)

Financial support was available for FE providers to address the cost of undertaking ITE and help create capacity for new recruits to learn and receive training and support on the job.

Funding of £18,200 per recruit was to cover:

  • The full cost of undertaking a teaching qualification (a Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (DET) or an equivalent/ higher level qualification) funded up to a maximum of £4,000 per trainee.
  • Costs of additional teacher time providing intensive support to new teachers (for example through team teaching/work shadowing arrangements) for up to 144 hours.
  • Costs to cover new teachers having a reduced teaching workload until the end of March 2021, up to 140 hours (following the period of intensive support).
  • There is an option to cover the costs of a new recruits taking a Level 3 Award in Education and Training (AET) qualification before the Level 5 DET if a provider deems that to be more suitable for their new recruit(s). For this option 132 hours would be allocated to the reduced teaching portion.

Round 3 is no longer recruiting. Please see details for Round 5 of Taking Teaching Further.

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact the Taking Teaching Further team via