Since 2018 the ETF has maintained a ‘Technical Teaching Community of Practice’ or ‘TCOP’. At this challenging but exciting time for the sector – with Further Education central to the UK government’s economic and social agendas – we are reintroducing TCOP and would like to encourage anyone involved in technical teaching and learning to sign up, and to contribute by joining the conversation.
Our latest blogs explore:
Our previous blogs explore colleagues’ experience of training and development through the Covid-19 pandemic and the benefits of CPD. You can read it here:
You can also access the TCOP back catalogue:
TCOP 2019/20 | TCOP 2018/19.
If you would like to contribute to the community of practice, please email:
We look forward to building the community and sharing experiences and effective practice with you.
Please sign up using to receive original articles and videos to support excellence in technical teaching in the context of ongoing technical educational reforms, prioritising education for sustainable development (ESD), reducing inequalities and advancing equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) amongst other key themes and areas.
Teach Too is an Education and Training Foundation development programme, aiming to address quality improvement in technical education and training, implementing Teach Too principles and approaches based on the recommendations of the CAVTL Report.
The aim of the programme is to support collaborative partnerships between FE Sector providers and industry. The emphasis is on two-way street- genuine collaborations, encouraging people from industry to spend some time teaching their work. This will enable both a national core and locally tailored element, giving employers a direct involvement in designing, planning, developing and in some cases delivering technical programmes.
Teach Too approaches implement the key characteristics on which excellent technical and vocational teaching and learning programmes depend:
Find out more on our Teach Too webpage.