The first edition of the Professional Standards for Teachers and Trainers in the Further Education (FE) and Training sector was published by the Education and Training Foundation (ETF) in 2014. The Standards covered the whole FE and Training sector in England and were warmly welcomed for their focus and simplicity. Being designed by the sector, for the sector, the Standards were considered responsive to practitioners’ needs because they focused on delivering excellence in teaching and learning practices.
Since 2014, the political, cultural and economic landscape has altered. Consequently, in 2021, the ETF decided to carry out a review of the Standards to ensure they remained relevant to teachers and trainers working in the English FE and Training workforce. A second edition of updated Standards has now been published.
Below are resources from the first edition of the Standards which have now been archived but remain available to support existing professional development plans.
In early 2020, four videos were launched illustrating how the Professional Standards can underpin a change in the way that staff development takes place. They focus on work at Guernsey College, Lincoln College, MoD Lyneham and Waltham Forest College which has transformed the way that professional development takes place, moving away from top-down performance management to put responsibility into the hands of practitioners. The four videos remain relevant to considering application of the Professional Standards and can be watched on the ETF’s YouTube channel.