Professional Development opportunities mapped to the ETF Professional Standards

Mapped professional development opportunities

We have mapped key professional development opportunities available from Education and Training Foundation (ETF) resources, and signposted Society for Education and Training member exclusive content, to the ETF Professional Standards for Teachers and Trainers.

This mapping tool will be particularly useful if you have recently completed a Professional Standards Self-Assessment to help you identify your key areas for development.

Professional standards icons

Using the mapping tool

Browse through the tool below to view resources which match each standard.

A symbol denotes that the linked resource requires SET membership.

You can use the ‘search’ function to find resources relating to certain keywords.

Work in progress – we’ll continue to add resources/courses/programmes/research to support your professional development needs over the coming months.

Professional Standards and resources

Professional standardStandard descriptionResource(s)
1Critically reflect on and evaluate your practices, values, and beliefs to improve learner outcomes.Coming soon
2Promote and embed education for sustainable development (ESD) across learning and working practices.

Education for sustainable development page

3Inspire, motivate, and raise aspirations of learners by communicating high expectations and a passion for learning.Coming soon
4Support and develop learners’ confidence, autonomy and thinking skills, taking account of their needs and starting points.Coming soon
5Value and champion diversity, equality of opportunity, inclusion and social equity.

Inclusive FE pages

Advancing Equality in FE online course

6Develop collaborative and respectful relationships with learners, colleagues and external stakeholders.Coming soon
7Engage with and promote a culture of continuous learning and quality improvement.Coming soon
8Develop and update knowledge of your subject specialism, taking account of new practices, research and/ or industry requirements.Coming soon
9Critically review and apply your knowledge of educational research, pedagogy, and assessment to develop evidence-informed practice.

Practitioner research special interest digest

Practitioner Research programmes: Evaluation Report

10Share and update knowledge of effective practice with colleagues, networks and/or research communities to support improvement.Coming soon
11Develop and apply your knowledge of special educational needs and disabilities to create inclusive learning experiences.

SEND special interest digest

ETF SEND resources

12Understand your teaching role and responsibilities and how these are influenced by legal, regulatory, institutional and ethical contexts.

Safeguarding online course

Prevent online courses

13Promote and support positive learner behaviour, attitudes and wellbeing.

Understanding and promoting positive behaviour

14Apply motivational, coaching and skill development strategies to help learners progress and achieve.

Mentoring framework and guides

15Plan and deliver learning programmes that are safe, inclusive, stretching and relevant to learners’ needs.Coming soon
16Select and use digital technologies safely and effectively to promote learning.

EdTech online courses

Essential Digital Skills online courses

17Develop learners’ mathematics, English, digital and wider employability skills.

Maths special interest digest

English and ESOL special interest digest

EdTech and Digital Skills special interest digest

CPD for maths teachers and trainers

CPD for English teachers and trainers

18Provide access to up-to-date information, advice and guidance so that learners can take ownership of their learning and make informed progression choices.Coming soon
19Apply appropriate and fair methods of assessment and provide constructive and timely feedback to support learning and achievement.

Assessment and exam support

20Develop enrichment and progression opportunities for learners through collaboration with employers, higher education and/or community groups.

Reseach and case studies on effective employer engagement