We’re committed to our work being evidence based and sector informed. Although not strictly a research body, we’ve undertaken and commissioned some research relating to education for sustainable development (ESD) in the sector to understand current sector practice and needs, to inform our ESD work with a robust evidence base and to give us a baseline for monitoring processes. We have published our work to help others develop their ESD practice. We know this is working in practice as results have been cited in the House of Lords as well as numerous sector reports and commentaries about ESD.

Leadership for ESD in the FE curriculum report

This 2021 study helps us better understand the challenges curriculum leaders face in embedding sustainability across their education provision.

The report showcases those who are already working to ensure their learners develop the relevant skills, knowledge, behaviours and agency to help them contribute positively to sustainability goals through numerous case studies. It also contains a quantitative audit for explicit sustainability content found in qualification specifications.

The case studies from this report have also been published as a blog series – read the ESD blogs here.

Report cover thumbnail

Experiences of ESD in FE: A workforce survey report

We surveyed over 800 teachers, trainers and leaders in the FE and training sector to better understand their experiences of, and attitudes towards, ESD. The results have informed the ETF’s ESD strategy. The report also provides sector practitioners, providers and stakeholders with data to plan their own ESD approaches.

graphic with text 68% feel that the current UK post-16 education system does not adequately educate learners on sustainability issues.

To enable FE practitioners and providers to best utilise the data, we’ve also produced the following resources:

  • An infographic outlining the most significant findings
  • A guide outlining five ways to use the research findings
  • Reflection prompts for individuals and groups working in the sector to consider how the findings could impact their own ESD practice

A webinar recording explaining the research, our findings and its implications can also be viewed here:

Further findings from this research