Working in learning support

Learning Support

There are hundreds and perhaps thousands of learning support and learning resource staff working in the Further Education and Training sector in England, and learning support makes an important contribution to the retention, achievement and progression of many learners.

Learning support roles

Learning support takes place in a range of settings across the whole of the lifelong learning sector. The following are some examples of activities that learning support practitioners might be asked to undertake:

  • adapt learning resources to meet the needs of learners
  • explain tasks and ideas clearly to a learner
  • scribe, read, translate or interpret learning materials
  • use question and answer to check and develop learning
  • provide encouragement, constructive feedback and appropriate praise for learners
  • complete records of work undertaken with learners
  • take part in planning and review meetings.

There are various qualifications covering the learning support role, some general some more specific and these are frequently done in service alongside undertaking the role itself.  The lack of a qualification should not deter you from applying for a post – jobs are frequently advertised in the local press or on college websites.